MCD Gundagai / Tulip Farm / Floriade / Majors Creek 2006 Dance Display Notes

Scheduled Displays

Dress: Day dress & hats for ladies, trousers+braces+hats for men.

Display Sets

nb. order and choice of dances subject to change.
  1. Bracket 1
    1. Polka on [MCD2-11]
    2. Royal Irish Quadrille Medley Figs 1,3,4,5 [ATDT2-1]
    3. Gundagai barn dance x4 [MCD10-14]
    4. Paris Set Fig 2 x4 [DMI4-2]
      (lead, [solo, star, home, leads house, set L&R]x4, all house)
    5. 4 Prides of Erin: Irish#1 (open hold w points); NSW, VIC;
      Irish#3 (close hold w points walk stamps); x1 each. [MCD7-12]
    6. Bonny Breast knot x2 [BB2-11]
    7. Medley: Evening 3 Step x2 / Boston 2 Step x2 / Dinki 1 Step x2 [MCD10-6]
    8. Polka off [ATDT1a-9]

  2. Bracket 2
    1. Polka on [MCD2-11]
    2. Trading Places x3 [MCD10-2]
    3. Dinki One Step [MCD8-19]
    4. Merry Widow Waltz [Gay Charmers 16]
    5. The Flirt x4 [QM6-19]
    6. Garibaldi March Waltz [ATDT1b-6 cut x4]
    7. Midnight Schottische [ATDT2-4 cut x2]
    8. Pam Gainsford's Delight x2 [MCD10-16]
    9. Paris Set Fig 2 x4 [DMI4-2]
    10. Polka off [ATDT1a-9]

Bracket 1 - Notes on Some Dances

Royal Irish, Fig 1 (R&L figure), 2x32 quadrille on R then L diagonals
tops R&L thru, set & swing partners, ladies chain, half promenade, half R&L thru; repeat;
Royal Irish, Fig 3 (Lines of 4 figure), 2x32 quadrille on R then L diagonals
lead lady & opp man cross RH / turn LH into line of 4 RH to partner; all set / half promenade, leads adv & retire / adv bow & retire, couples adv & retire / half R&L thru; repeat side lady leads;
Royal Irish, Fig 4 (3&1 figure), 2x32 quadrille on R then L diagonals
tops lead up & retire / tops lead up & pass lady across to 2M in line of 3, line adv & retire / adv & pass ladies back to 1M, line adv & retire / adv & turn ladies into circle, circle L / half R&L thru; repeat sides lead;
Royal Irish, Fig 5 (circle figure), 2x32 quadrille
all adv & retire / swing partners, ladies adv curtsey & retire / men adv bow & retire, set & swing corners, promenade corners to place;
Gundagai Barn Dance, 4x, couples in circle
3step lift & back, ladies move on, wheel ladies cw into ladies star, wheel partner out, set apart together waltz on, back ladies to centre, retire, waltz on.
Paris Set Fig 2 x4, quadrille
start with all lead around, turn lady under & swing; figure: 1st tops house & all clap, men RH star whilst ladies dance acw outside / men star back LH whilst ladies dance back, dance at home / top couples house, all set left / all set right; repeat 2nd tops house with ladies star; 1st sides house with men star; 2nd sides house with ladies star; all house to finish.
Bonny Breast Knot, 4x32R, 3 couple longways
tops out ladies window & cast to middle / out mens window & cast to top & bottom lines; all jump kick L & R / tops move to R into side lines as all jump kick L & R, all jump kick L & R twice, tops turn corner RH & partner LH / repeat RH other corner & LH partner, tops dance to bottom of set / all BR swing;
Evening 3 Step, 1x16M, couples
fwd outside foot 3 steps & tap, roll across, roll back, back 3; skip fwd Vin, skip fwd Vout, slide-together slow x2, waltz;
Boston 2 Step, 1x16M, couples
set apart & together, fwd 3 & turn, set apart & together, fwd 3 & face, set facing 2H, slide-together slow x2, waltz;
Dinki One Step, 1x16M, couples
points man LF fwd lady RF back, other way, man fwd 4 steps, repeat, point to mans L then R, chassez in & out, pivot x4 (or waltz 2);

Bracket 2 - Notes on Some Dances

Trading Places, 3x48J, sicilian triples
right ends set & turn RH half-way to change places, left ends repeat, middles repeat, all RS do-si-do; all RH star half way, LH star back; right ends set & turn LH half-way to change places, left ends repeat, middles repeat, all LS do-si-do; adv & retire, adv & pass thru;
Dinki One Step, 2x16M, couples
points man LF fwd lady RF back, other way, man fwd 4 steps, repeat, point to mans L then R, chassez in & out, pivot x4 (or waltz 2);
Merry Widow Waltz, 4x32W, couples
walk fwd 2, diag L 2, point RF to front, to R, close, dip; walk back 2 slow 3 quick, rock fwd & back RF, step fwd RF and turn to face out, slide to L & R, both solo turn 3 & bow, waltz;
The Flirt, 4x32 set, quadrille
all turn partner Rarm & corner Larm / half chain to opp side, allemande R with partner into men LH 3/4 star & allemande R corner, R gypsy partner / BR swing corner, open BR promenade corner to place / all adv & retire; repeat 3 times;
Garibaldi March Waltz, 4x32W, progressive couple
walk fwd 4 slow turn lady under & bow, repeat back ALOD, RH 1/2 turn, LH 1/2 turn, 2H 1/2 cw turn, 2H 1/2 acw turn, 2H full cw turn, LH full acw with ladies moving on to man in front;
Midnight Schottische, circle progressive using schottische steps
all circle R 4 / all circle L 4, ladies highland schottische in to centre / ladies highland schottische out to man on L / men highland schottische out and in to same place, all advance & retire in half BR hold / all advance turn and lead out with original partner / all four sisters diag steps R L R L turning lady to face at end, slow 2H set R & L / RH step hop turn partner / LH step hop past next / RH step hop slow turn 3rd person ending in circle;
Pam Gainsfords Delight, longways set with couples 2 & 4 improper
lines adv, ladies retire with opp man & swing to form top lines, repeat forming side lines, top lines, side lines, ladies chain, gates up, gates down, tops ½ RH star & set, middles ½ LH star & top 3 couples set, bottoms ½ RH star & all set, swing partner around once to place.
Paris Set Fig 2 x4, quadrille
start with all lead around, turn lady under & swing; figure: 1st tops house & all clap, men RH star whilst ladies dance acw outside / men star back LH whilst ladies dance back, dance at home / top couples house, all set left / all set right; repeat 2nd tops house with ladies star; 1st sides house with men star; 2nd sides house with ladies star; all house to finish.

Spare Dances

Federation Reel, 4x32R, 6 couple circle (odds & evens)
top couples around the set & side couples arch across, top couples do si do & side couples arch up and down, top couples around the set & side couples arch across, top couples swing & side couples arch up and down, odd couples advance and retire, even couples advance and retire, odd couples polka around inside the set 2 places, even couples polka around inside the set 2 places; repeat twice with new top couples each time; Set and turn partners, do si do corners, set and turn corners, do si do partners, all circle left, all circle right, all advance and retire, all swing partners.
Scot-Tas Quadrille, 4x40, quadrille, (1234 acw), Tasmania
all circle L 7 & turn out; all circle back to L & turn in; lead couple cross thru side couples, meet below, lead in thru opposite and each turn to face to side; triangle set with sides; cast thru side and below retaining hand hold then cross to opposite side; set in triangles and cast up to place retaining hand hold; all swing; repeat 3 more times.

[Monaro Colonial Dancers]
Lawrie Brown / 2 Sep 2006