MCD John O'Brien Festival at Narranderra 2002 Dance Display Notes
- County Cotillion, 8+2x128W, quadrille
- lead couple visit;
(ladies solo/men solo)x2; (ladies advance, balance, all solo)x2;
(ladies RH star & men chase/turn partner/waltz to place)x2; grand circle x2;
ladies advance, curtsey, balance, form top lines;
(lines advance, retire, pass through)x2; waltz to place;
repeat couple 3 leading.
- Galop Quadrille, 2x64G quadrille
- all couples gallop cw around circle with cw pivot halfway round;
tops then sides gallop in, out & across; repeat back;
tops lead thru & back; sides lead thru & back;
all gallop in with partner & out with corner, all gallop in with corner
& out with partner; all ladies chain;
all fwd gallop in circle to place;
repeat dance with sides leading and finish with diamond gallop at end;
- Kent Quadrille, Fig 1, 2x32W
- top ladies turn as men chassez to centre, set & 2H turn partners;
tops adv, ladies retire, and turn, men retire as ladies turn again;
tops adv, RH set to opposite, do-si-do opposites;
grand square (tops FBFF, sides FFFB);
repeat sides leading.
- Kent Quadrille, Fig 2, 2x32 2/4
- 1st couple adv, set and 2H swing partner (2T);
set and 2H swing own corners (3T);
set and 2H swing partner (3T);
tops couples R&L through with twirls;
repeat with 3rd couple leading.
- Kent Quadrille, Fig 3, 1x80W
- tops couples slow R&L through (16);
side couples slow R&L through (16);
all set & 2H turn partners (1T);
top ladies chain; side ladies chain;
grand square (tops FBFF, sides FFFB);
all waltz set (16).
- Kent Quadrille, Fig 4, 2x32 2/4
- gallop corners in and out x2;
all ladies star RH to place (6), curtsey to partners (2);
1st man sets to each lady in turn;
all 2H swing partners;
repeat with 3rd men leading.
- Kent Quadrille, Fig 5, 2x24 6/8
- 1st lady and opposite man adv and 2H turn half way,
1st man and opposite lady adv and 2H turn half way;
1st couple lead through to place, and lead back to opposite place,
and change places; half R&L through, 2H turn partners;
repeat with 3rd couple leading.
- Kent Quadrille, Fig 6, 2x40+ 2/4
- men whirlygig around starting with partners (turn RH 6, on 2);
all ladies adv & curtsey, all men adv & bow;
promenade partners to place (skaters hold);
grand square (tops FBSF, sides SFFB);
repeat sides leading; all swing partners to finish.
- La Tempete, 3x48R, double sicilian
advance & retire twice (all start RF with point at end);
couples slip step change with opposites (rh end thru middle of opp couple);
change back (lh end through middle); center circle L&R while ends 2H turn;
center star R&L while ends turn RH&LH; advance, retire, pass on as couples;
- Royal Irish, Fig 3 (Lines of 4 figure), 4x24 quadrille
- lead lady turn LH with opp man into line of 4 with RH to partner (4),
all balance (4), promenade once around (8), swing (8);
repeat side lady leading; repeat other diag top then side ladies leading;
- Royal Irish, Fig 4 (3&1 figure), 4x48 quadrille
- tops lead up & retire (4),
tops lead up & pass lady across to 2M in line of 3 (4),
line adv & retire (4), adv & pass ladies back to 1M (4),
line adv & retire (4), adv & turn ladies into circle (4),
circle L (4), circle R (4), promenade once around (8), swing (8);
repeat sides leading; repeat other diag tops & sides;
Lawrie Brown / 6 Mar 2002