MCD CMF/NFF 2000 Dance Display Notes
- March On, 1x32M, couples
- couples lead on once around; lead across; couples cast alternating;
meet in lines of 4 and lead across; alternates lines courtesy turn into double
sicilian lines across the stage
- La Tempete, 3x48R, double sicilian
advance & retire twice (all start RF with point at end);
couples slip step change with opposites (rh end thru middle of opp couple);
change back (lh end through middle); center circle L&R while ends 2H turn;
center star R&L while ends turn RH&LH; advance, retire, pass on as couples;
- Circassian Circle Pt1, 2x32R, sicilian
- rights & left through; set & 2H swing partner; ladies chain; turntable
promenade on;
- Soldiers Joy, 2x32R sicilian
- advance & retire / swing opposite; reverse swing partner / swing partner;
ladies chain; advance & retire / advance & pass on;
- Waltz Medley, 2x40W + 4x32W, sicilian
- Waltz Country Dance, 2x40W, sicilian
- balance fwd & back with opposite, change places /
repeat with partner; opposite / partner;
(balance fwd & back in circle, pass ladies across with twirl) x4;
waltz round opposite & on;
- Spanish Waltz, 2x32W, sicilian
- balance fwd & back with partner, change places with opposite ladies under /
repeat with opposite; partner / opposite;
RH star; LH star; waltz round opposite & on;
- Circle Waltz, 2x32W, circle
- (balance fwd & back in circle, pass ladies across and honour) x4;
sway in & out, turn in / sway out & in, turn out; chassez in & out / waltz;
Announcement / partner change
- Speedy Quadrille, Figs 2&4, quadrille (1423 cw), Manangatang, Vic
- Figure 2, 4x24
- lead couple adv, separate and join opp; ladies lead back across
whilst others lead ladies to join ladies line & men continue to mens line;
men & ladies lines adv & retire twice; adv to centre line; swing to place;
- Figure 4, 2x32
- tops half R&L thru, swing corners & keep; sides repeat to place;
sides half R&L thru, swing corners & keep; tops repeat to place;
- County Cotillion, 8+2x128W, quadrille (NFF ONLY)
- lead couple visit;
(ladies solo/men solo)x2; (ladies advance, balance, all solo)x2;
(ladies RH star & men chase/turn partner/waltz to place)x2; grand circle x2;
ladies advance, curtsey, balance, form top lines;
(lines advance, retire, pass through)x2; waltz to place;
- Longways Set Medley, 4x32J, longways set of 4
- Flying Pieman
- ladies weave; men weave; tops slipstep down & back to 2nd place;
lines of 3 down & back ex tops;
- Haste to the Wedding
- top couples star R & L; tops slipstep down & set, repeat to place;
tops with lady 2 half circle, post her to place, repeat with man 2;
tops swing to bottom;
- Petronella
- top 2 couples diamond petronella (2s step up at start, straight out at end);
tops slipstep down & back; tops swing to bottom;
- Country Bumpkin
- top lady set to 2nd man/2H swing 3rd; top man set to 2nd lady/2H swing 3rd;
tops lead to bottom & cast to place; circle of 4 to left/tops cast to bottom;
- Double Galop Quadrille, 2x32G quadrille (NFF ONLY)
- circle advances & retires / BR swing partner;
tops gallop in, as tops gallop out sides in, tops across as sides out;
repeat back; all ladies chain; repeat dance with sides leading;
- Princess Polka, P, couples
- heel & toe & swap across / heel & toe & turn; heel & toe & turn back /
heel & toe & swap back; polka promenade; repeat travelling off stage
[Monaro Colonial Dancers]
Lawrie Brown / 5 Apr 2000