MCD NFF 2001 Dance Display Notes
- March On
- couples lead on once around; couples cast alternating to place;
- La Tempete, 3x48R, double sicilian
advance & retire twice (all start RF with point at end);
couples slip step change with opposites (rh end thru middle of opp couple);
change back (lh end through middle); center circle L&R while ends 2H turn;
center star R&L while ends turn RH&LH; advance, retire, pass on as couples;
- Galop Quadrille, 2x64G quadrille
- all couples gallop cw around circle with cw pivot halfway round;
tops then sides gallop in, out & across; repeat back;
tops lead thru & back; sides lead thru & back;
all gallop in with partner & out with corner, all gallop in with corner
& out with partner; all ladies chain;
all fwd gallop in circle to place;
repeat dance with sides leading and finish with couples gallop around circle;
- Waltz Cotillion (Liverpool Plains), 2x128W, quadrille
- lead couple waltz; top ladies cross / side ladies cross;
top men cross / side men cross; top couple waltz home; side couple waltz home;
top lines adv & retire & crossover; repeat back;
waltz chain with corner to opposite side, waltz chain back home; all waltz set;
repeat with sides leading;
- Double Sir Roger De Coverly, 4x(48J+32R+16M), 2x line of 4 couples
- Haymakers: top lady couple honour, top man couple honour, then
each RH turn, LH turn, 2H turn, R do-si-do, tops down middle & back;
Chain: face partners, chain RH, turn opp LH,
repeat down set alternating turning line; top line back to top;
Cast-Off: top couples cast off to bottom and arch, others follow
thru arch to reform set
- Polka Cotillion (Ithica) Fig 2, 2x32P quadrille
- ladies polka to right on inside and men to left on outside meeting
in opposite place (6), RH turn partner (4); continue with a grand chain
to place (6); RH turn partner (4); polka set (12);
repeat moving ladies to left and men to right but still with RH turns;
- Polka Cotillion (Ithica) Fig 4, 2x32P quadrille
- tops polka round couple to R outside then back inside to place;
ladies adv & retire; RH turn partner; sides repeat;
tops polka round couple to L inside then back outside to place;
men adv & retire; RH turn partner; sides repeat;
- Polka Cotillion (Ithica) Fig 5, 2x32P quadrille
- tops star R&L, sides star R&L, all RH turn partner,
1L&2M chassez diag R & take 2H to turn to place,
top lines adv heel & toe polka, RH turn partner to place;
repeat sides star, 3L&4M lead;
- Waltz Medley, 5x32W
- Valeta Waltz, 2x16W
- balance apart, together, slide L x2 & turn; repeat back;
waltz x2, slide L x2, waltz x4;
- Merry Widow Waltz, 2x32W
- walk fwd 2, diag L 2, point RF to front, to R, close, dip;
walk back 2 slow 3 quick, rock fwd & back RF, step fwd RF and turn to face out,
slide to L & R, both solo turn 3 & bow, waltz;
- Circle Waltz, 2x32W
- (balance fwd & back, pass ladies across)x4;
sway in & out, turn in / sway out & in, turn out; chassez in & out / waltz;
- Waltz Off
[Monaro Colonial Dancers]
Lawrie Brown / 3 Apr 2001