MCD Cygnet & Tamar Folk Festivals 2006
Tulip Farm / Floriade / Majors Creek 2005 Dance Display Notes
Scheduled Displays
- Tulip Farm - 10-11am on Sun 25 Sept 2005 & Sat 8 Oct 2005
- Floriade - 11am on Sat 15 Oct 2005
- Wanniassa School Fete - 11am on Sat 29 Oct 2005
- Majors Creek - 12-13 Nov 2005
- Cygnet & Tamar Folk Festivals, Tasmania - 13-15th & 20-22nd Jan 2006
Dress: Day dress & hats for ladies, trousers+braces+hats for men.
Display Sets
- Tas Bracket
- Circular Polka on [ATDT1a-9]
- Mind the Dresser x2 / Soldiers Joy x2 / Mind the Dresser x1 [MCD7-7]
- Prince Imperials Quadrille Figs 1&2 x2 each (trk 23) [steal the lady & shoot the squirrel] [AD19C3-23]
- Prince Imperials Quadrille Figs 4&5 x2 each (trk 26) [3 aside & ghirlywig] [AD19C3-26]
- Queen of Sheba [MCD2-12]
- New French Cotillion - Fig 1 x2 [fast R&L & chain] [MCD6-25]
- New French Cotillion - Fig 5 x2 & waltz set [fan men & lines] [MCD6-26]
- Maxina x3 [ATDT1b-7 or MCD6-4]
- Galop Quadrille x2 [gallop leads corners ladies-chain round] [ECSGH-12]
- NFF05 Bracket
- Polka on [MCD2-11]
- Trading Places x3 [MCD7-2]
- County Cotillion x2 [MCD2-8]
- Longways set medley 4x1 [MCD2-9]
- Belgian Waltz x2 [ATDT1a-4]
- Medley: Evening 3 Step x2 / Boston 2 Step x2 / Dinki 1 Step x2 [MCD6-10]
- Victory Waltz x4 [ATDT2-2]
- Royal Victorias Quadrille - Fig 5 x2 [tops gallop round] [MCD8-18]
- Polka off [ATDT1a-9]
- Multicultural Bracket
- March On [ATDT2-5]
- Australian Tempest x2 / German Tempest x2 [MCD8-2]
- Berlin Schottishe [MCD8-3]
- Ithaca Polka Quadrille - Fig 4 x4 [tops polka to R] [MCD6-17]
- Ithaca Polka Quadrille - Fig 5 x2 [tops R&L star] [MCD6-18]
- Thrushes Nest Quadrille (German Set Waltz) x2 / Waltz Cotillion (Liverpool Plains) x2 [MCD8-6]
- Varsovienna x3 / Swedish Masquerade x3 [MCD8-8, MCD8-9]
end with polka to line, bow, walk off
Tas Bracket
- Mind the Dresser , sicilian
- circle L, RH star, circle R, LH star; 1's fig-8, 2's fig-8,
½ chain & promenade opp, ½ chain & promenade partner,
R & L thru, adv retire progress (1's about face on retire & cast on).
- Soldiers Joy , sicilian
- adv retire, swing opposite men end back to back, reverse swing partner,
swing partner, adv retire progress on as couple.
- Prince Imperials Quadrille Fig 1 x2
- tops visit R honour & retire with side lady end ladies facing in middle;
ladies grand chain; all set & turn partners; repeat sides leading
- Prince Imperials Quadrille Fig 2 x2
- top lady & opp man turn RH & face opp lady, opp lady under arch & turn top man,
tops 2H turn to place; tops adv & retire, tops half nariel ladies chain home;
all chasse croise; repeat side lady 3 leading;
- Prince Imperials Quadrille, Fig 4 x2
- tops adv & retire, tops adv ladies join Rsides as man retires;
lines of 3 adv & retire twice; solos adv bow & retire, solos adv & face partner;
circle half way, half R&L to place;
repeat sides leading with men moving to Lsides;
- Prince Imperials Quadrille, Fig 5 x2
- ladies whirlygig starting corner & turning each man in turn;
top lady & opp man adv & retire, re-adv & turn RH to face partners;
set & turn partners; repeat side lady 3 leading;
- Queen of Sheeba
- cpl lead: all up & back double, R gypsy partner, all down & back double, L gypsy partner;
stars: RH stars ends, middles LH star while ends chase half-way; repeat star & chase home;
solo leads: men lead out & back double, R gypsy neighbor,
ladies lead out & back double, L gypsy neighbor;
arches: tops turn 3/4 into arches, sides chase around cw under arches, tops turn out;
sides turn 3/4 into arches, tops chase around cw under arches, sides turn out;
bomb burst: tops & sides lead out & back double, R gypsy; repeat with L gypsy;
reels: reel of 4 in lines 5 places & change 2H; reel of 4 back home 5 places, change 2H;
- New French Cotillion, Fig 1
- tops R&L, all advance & retire twice, half grand chain and turn round,
reverse half grand chain back and turn round in place, solo waltz set with
pirouettes half way and in place; repeat sides leading R&L.
- New French Cotillion, Fig 5
- solo waltz cw round set with men backing ladies with fans,
ladies advance & retire, turn corners, men advance & retire, turn corners
into top lines, lines slow adv & retire with side pirouettes;
repeat forming side lines with top pirouettes on retire; waltz set to finish.
- Galop Quadrille, 2x64G quadrille
- all couples gallop cw around circle with cw pivot halfway round;
tops then sides gallop in, out & across; repeat back;
tops lead thru & back; sides lead thru & back;
all gallop in with partner & out with corner, all gallop in with corner
& out with partner; all ladies chain;
all fwd gallop in circle to place (1st time only);
repeat dance with sides leading and all couples gallop cw round with pivot;
finish with all diamond gallop cw round set;
NFF05 Bracket
- Trading Places, 3x48J, sicilian triples
- right ends set & turn RH half-way to change places, left ends repeat, middles repeat,
all RS do-si-do; all RH star half way, LH star back;
right ends set & turn LH half-way to change places, left ends repeat, middles repeat,
all LS do-si-do; adv & retire, adv & pass thru;
- County Cotillion, 1x128W, quadrille
- lead couple visit;
(ladies solo/men solo)x2; (ladies advance, balance, all solo)x2;
(ladies RH star & men chase/turn partner/waltz to place)x2; grand circle x2;
ladies advance, curtsey, balance, form top lines;
(lines advance, retire, pass through)x2; waltz to place;
repeat couple 3 leading.
- Longways Set Medley, 4x32J, longways set of 4
- Flying Pieman
- ladies weave; men weave; tops slipstep down & back to 2nd place;
lines of 3 down & back ex tops who remain at bottom of set;
- Haste to the Wedding
- top couples star R & L; tops slipstep down & set, repeat to place;
tops with lady 2 half circle, post her to place, repeat with man 2;
tops swing to bottom;
- Petronella
- all couples diamond petronella (2s step up at start, straight out at end);
1's & 3's slipstep down & back; all pousette;
- Country Bumpkin
- top lady set to 2nd man/2H swing 3rd; top man set to 2nd lady/2H swing 3rd;
tops lead to bottom & cast to place; circle of 4 to left/tops cast to bottom;
- Belgian Waltz, 2x48W, sicilian couples
- 2H sway partner in out & roll past opp,
RH bal partner fwd back & change places; repeat back to place;
RH bal opp fwd back & change places, 2H sway opp in out & roll past partner; repeat to place;
RH star once round, clapping (SQQ), solo turn over LS; LH star back, waltz on;
- Evening 3 Step, 2x16M, couples
- fwd outside foot 3 steps & tap, roll across, roll back, back 3;
skip fwd Vin, skip fwd Vout, slide-together slow x2, waltz;
- Boston 2 Step, 2x16M, couples
- set apart & together, fwd 3 & turn, set apart & together, fwd 3 & face,
set facing 2H, slide-together slow x2, waltz;
- Dinki One Step, 2x16M, couples
- points man LF fwd lady RF back, other way, man fwd 4 steps, repeat,
point to mans L then R, chassez in & out, pivot x4 (or waltz 2);
- Victory Waltz, 4x32W, couples
- both LF fwd, lift RF & swivel cw, back 3, fwd 2, chassez turn 3 & close facing LOD; repeat;
step across LF & kick RF, back side close, step across RF & LF, back side close; repeat;
fwd 2, turn lady out & in, waltz;
- Royal Victorias Quadrille - Fig 5, 2x, quadrille
- tops gallop round inside, gallop in out in and swap ladies,
nariel ladies chain, gallop in out in and swap ladies back,
all BR swing; repeat sides leading.
Multicultural Bracket
- (Australian) Tempest, 4x32, double sicilian
- circle L&R; gallop across & back; center star & ends swing R&L;
advance, retire, cpls pass on;
- German Tempest, 4x32, double sicilian
- circle skip L; gallop across & crossovers, gallop back & crossovers;
center & ends circle L, center & ends LH back; advance, retire, cpls pass on;
- Berlin Schottische, couples in circle
- 2 slow & 3 quick slip steps & close round LOD, x2 repeat back,
waltz chassez to centre ¼ turn and out, waltz, repeat last part.
- Ithaca Polka Quadrille, Fig 4
- tops polka outside around side couple to R, all ladies adv & retire,
all turn partners RH, repeat sides polka outside to R;
repeat tops polka inside round side couple to L with men adv;
repeat sides polka inside to L.
- Ithaca Polka Quadrille, Fig 5
- tops star R&L, sides star R&L, all turn partners RH, 1st lady & opposite
man chassez round each other to R into top lines, lines heel & toe advance,
all turn partner RH to place; repeat starting tops with 2nd lady leading;
repeat sides star & 3rd lady; repeat sides star & 4th lady; polka set to finish.
- Thrushes Nest quadrille (German Set Waltz)
- tops waltz inside leaving ladies in centre, sides waltz inside leaving ladies in centre,
man chase cw outside while ladies circle acw inside end in cut circle,
circle expand & contract x2, grand chain all round,
lead couple windup waltz visit, others cascade forming line behind, waltz home at end.
- Waltz Cotillion (Liverpool Plains), 1x128W, quadrille
- lead couple waltz; top ladies cross / side ladies cross;
top men cross / side men cross; top couple waltz home; side couple waltz home;
top & bottom lines adv & retire & crossover; repeat back;
waltz chain with corner to opposite side, waltz chain back home; all waltz set;
repeat with sides leading;
- Varsovienna, couples in circle
- (fwd turn acw 123 point, fwd turn cw 123 point)x4;
(mazurka x2, turn 123pt)x4
- Swedish Masquerade, couples in circle
- march fwd 8, turn, back 8; waltz apart-together x2, waltz on, repeat;
polka apart-together x2, polka on; repeat;
[Monaro Colonial Dancers]
Lawrie Brown / 7 Dec 2005