LOKI89 and LOKI91

The following are some notes on the LOKI89 and LOKI91 block ciphers, extracted from the lecture notes for my course in " Cryptography and Computer Security".

The LOKI89 Block Cipher

LOKI89 Design

LOKI Expansion Function E
LOKI Permutation P
LOKI Key Schedule

Overall LOKI89 Structure

LOKI Function f



a total of 216 out of a possible 264

LOKI S-Box Design
LOKI89 S-Boxes
Sfnr = (c + r) er mod genr

LOKI89 Cryptanalysis

A.(00000510,0)->(0,00000510) always

B.(0,00000510)->(00000510,0) Pr(118/2^20)

found independently by Biham, Knudsen

A.(00400000,0)->(0,00400000) always

B.(0,00400000)->(00400000,00400000) Pr(28/4096)

C.(00400000,00400000)->(00400000,0) Pr(28/4096)

found independently by Kwan, Knudsen

LOKI(P, K)(+)pppppppppppppppp =


where p=m(+)n, m,n arbitrary hex values

found independently by Biham, Knudsen, and Kwan

The LOKI90 Block Cipher

LOKI91 Design

LOKI91 Specification
change the key schedule so the halves were swapped after every second round
change the key rotation schedule to alternate between ROT12 (odd rounds) and ROT13 (even rounds)
remove the initial and final XORs of key with plaintext and ciphertext respectively
alter S-box function to:
Sfn(r,c)=(c+((r*17)(+)ff16)&ff16)31 mod genr

generator polynomials genr as in LOKI89

Overall LOKI91 Structure

LOKI91 Cryptanalysis

Encrypt Key                        Decrypt key                                  
0000000000000000                   0000000000000000  *                          
00000000aaaaaaaa                   aaaaaaaa00000000                             
0000000055555555                   5555555500000000                             
00000000ffffffff                   ffffffff00000000                             
aaaaaaaa00000000                   00000000aaaaaaaa                             
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa                   aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa  *                          
aaaaaaaa55555555                   55555555aaaaaaaa                             
aaaaaaaaffffffff                   ffffffffaaaaaaaa                             
5555555500000000                   0000000055555555                             
55555555aaaaaaaa                   aaaaaaaa55555555                             
5555555555555555                   5555555555555555  *                          
55555555ffffffff                   ffffffff55555555                             
ffffffff00000000                   00000000ffffffff                             
ffffffffaaaaaaaa                   aaaaaaaaffffffff                             
ffffffff55555555                   55555555ffffffff                             
ffffffffffffffff                   ffffffffffffffff  *                          

			_________       _ _

Latest Analysis of LOKI91

Dr Lawrie Brown / 30 Apr 99