[Overview] [Commands]
[Usage Hints] [References]
JKrypto Help
The jkrypto classical cipher analysis program is used for generating and
analysing classical substitution and transposition ciphers.
When running this program displays a window, most of which is taken with
the current data area. There is also a text-field to enter a keyword into,
and status messages are displayed in red at the bottom. The menubar
provides access to the commands available.
To use this program you load the text you wish to analyse into the main data
window, either by typing (or copying and pasting) it in, or by reading it
from a file (see File menu). You then need to select the correct type
of cipher you wish to use from the list in the Cipher menu. Then
this text can be encrypted or decrypted (under Cipher menu) using the
specified type of cipher and key, or analysed using the various methods
provided in the Analysis menu. The resulting text or analysis results
can be saved to a file (see File menu). More details on the commands
are given below.
The commands available in the GUI version of the jkrypto program are:
- File
- This menu contains the commands for interacting with files and controlling
the progam.
- New
- clear data and resets the undo history, ready to
work with new data.
- Open
- pops up a dialog letting you select a text file to open
and read its contents into the data area.
- Save As
- pops up a dialog box letting you select a file to
save data (or popup window contents) to.
- Close
- (in popup window) closes popup window.
- Quit
- the program.
- Edit
- This menu contains commands for working with the contents of the data area.
- Undo
- Undo the last change to the data (as of last command).
- Copy
- Copy selected text in the data area to the system clipboard.
- Paste
- Paste contents of system clipboard into data.
- Reset
- Reset the data area to the text last read in from file
(or erase if started with new data).
- Cipher
- This menu contains the commands to encrypt or decrypt the data area,
and to specify the type of cipher to use for this.
- Encrypt
- Encrypt the data using the current cipher type and key.
nb. the key format depends on the type of cipher, as noted below.
- Decrypt
- Decrypt the data using the current cipher type and key.
- Vigenere
- use a Vigenere substitution cipher, using forward shifted alphabets.
The key is a single word, each letter of which specifies the shift for
the corresponding alpabet. eg key "
" specifies the use
of 3 alphabets, with 'A' mapped to 'S', 'P', and 'Y' respectively.
- Beauford
- use a Beauford substitution cipher, using reverse shifted alphabets.
The key is a single word, each letter of which specifies the shift for
the corresponding alpabet, as for a Vigenere cipher.
- General
- use a General substitution cipher, using shuffled alphabets.
The key is a phrase (ie multiple words), where each word specifies
a single shuffled alphabet, generated by writing out the word with
remaining letters lined up below, as detailed in the references.
eg. key "
starwars rules
" specifies the use of 2
alphabets, generated using "starwars
" for the first and
" for the second.
- Row
- use a Row transposition cipher, where the letters in each row are
shuffled in the order specified by the key. The key is either a word
or a permutation. If a word, the order of the letters in the alphabet
determines the order columns are used. eg key "
" means
that column 4, then 3, then 1 then 2 is used (since 'd' < 'e' < 'f' < 'r').
Alternatively this can be specified directly using the permutation
" as the key.
- Column
- use a Column transposition cipher, where the letters in each column are
used in the order specified by the key. The key is either a word
or a permutation, as for row transpositions.
- Analysis
- This menu contains the commands to analyse the data area.
- Freq
- prompts for a number of alphabets and then computes the frequency
counts for each letter a-z in the data divided into that many alphabets.
The results are displayed in a popup window, which may be saved.
- Graph
- prompts for a number of alphabets and then graphs the frequency
counts for each letter a-z in the data divided into that many alphabets.
The results are displayed in a popup window, which may be saved.
- Graph Image
- prompts for a number of alphabets and then graphs the frequency
counts as a bar chart. These charts are displayed in a popup window,
and may be saved as a png or jpg file.
- IC
- prompts for a number of alphabets and then computes the
Index of Coincidence on the data divided into that many alphabets.
The IC for 1 alphabet is shown in the status area, for multiple
a popup window is used.
- Kasiski
- prompts for a word length to use, and then finds all repeated
strings of that length, and displays the strings, and the distances
between them. These values can be used to determine the possible
number of alphabets used in the data (assuming its a polyalphabetic
substitution cipher) using the Kasiski method.
- Replace Char
- prompts for characters to change and replaces all instances
of the first with the second in the data.
- Search
- prompts for a number of columns (ie permutation size) and
a regular expression to match against (which can blank to see
all permutations), and then tries all decrypting all possible
permutations assuming either a row or column transposition
cipher (as specified in the Cipher menu) and checking whether
it matches the desired regular expression. The results show
the permutations and decryptions for all matches (or every
possible decryption of no regular expression is specified).
This search can take a considerable amount of time for
larger sizes, hence it runs in the background, and pops up
a window with the results when done.
- Search Status
- displays which permutation the current search (if any)
is currently up to.
- Stop Search
- stops the current search (if one is running), displaying any
results found to this point.
- Reformat Data
- prompts for a block size and number of blocks per line,
and then reformats the data into blocks as specified. This can
be useful for working out which alphabet a letter is in (by
reformatting into block sizes matching suspected numebr of
alphabets), or for displaying layed out in a suspected
number of columns for a transposition.
- Help
- About JKrypto
- displays information and copyright details for this program.
- JKrypto Help
- displays this help information.
Usage Hints
Some brief hints about how to go about breaking a classical cipher. You
generally need to first determine the type of cipher (substitution or
permutation) from the IC and frequency distribution. nb. if a product cipher
or other more complex form is being analysed, it will be much harder
and be beyond the scope of this program.
If have a substitution (ie not mono-alphabetic IC with English letter
pattern) then:
- determine how many alphabets were used using the
Kasiski method & IC to estimate period d
- verify the period by checking that the IC's on d alphabets
are all mono-alphabetic
- then solve each of the d alphabets
as a monoalphabetic cipher using frequency distribution of each,
plus common double & triple letters and word boundaries spanning them
If have a transposition (mono-alphabetic IC with English letter pattern)
- try each type (row, column) in turn
- basic idea is to work through possible periods looking for
re-arrangements which look "text-like" to find solution
- since number of possibilities grows exponentially, need to
restrict search using a target string (or better still, a target regular
expression. A good start would be
for more options,
see references)
For additional information, see:
Lawrie Brown's ADFA Cryptography course notes
J Pieprzyk, T Hardjono, J Seberry, "Fundamentals of Computer Security",
Ch 3, 1/e, Springer-Verlag, 2003.
A Sinkov, "Elementary Cryptanalysis", Chs 1,2,3,5,
New Mathematical Library, Random House, 1968
W Stallings, "Cryptography and Network Security", Ch 2.1-2.3,
5/e, Prentice-Hall, 2010.
D Stinson, "Cryptography: Theory and Practice", Ch 1, CRC Press, 1995
This version of the jkrypto program was written by Lawrie Brown
2002-2010, adapted from the original code by Daryl Bossert. It is
Copyright © 2010 by Lawrie Brown.