Bungendore New Vogue Workshop Notes
- Charmaine (slow foxtrot)
- upper promenade hold both start LF:
walk fwd & turn SSQQS, walk back & turn SSQQS, walk 2 cross back back close,
walk 1 cross back back close, step fwd RF lift & point LF, step LF lift & point RF,
separation man step slow side close while lady turn 4 to BR hold,
step diag ALOD & swivel, step diag LOD & swivel, step fwd outside, inside, swivel,
side close x2, waltz x4 lady turning back into promenade hold at end
- Evening Three Step (march)
- open side by side, start outside feet:
walk fwd 3 and close, turn across to swap places 3 steps and close with man crossing behind,
turn across to swap back 3 steps and close with man behind, walk back 3 and close,
chassez facing along LOD, chassez back to back along LOD, side together x2 along LOD,
rotary chassez (waltz) x4 opening out to restart
- Merrilyn (slow foxtrot)
- lower promenade hold both start LF:
fwd LF RF side LF together RF back LF, fwd RF LF side RF together LF back RF,
fwd LF swivel fwd RF swivel side LF together RF side LF,
fwd RF swivel fwd LF swivel side RF together LF side RF,
fwd 3 lock behind RF, step fwd LF and lift RF,
back 3, cross in front LF, back RF and close, fwd 2 LF RF, turn lady out 2,
step in 2, waltz x4 lady turning back into promenade hold at end
- Palma Waltz
- lower promenade hold both start LF:
walk fwd 2 LF RF swivel back 3 LF RF LF and close,
walk fwd 2 RF LF swivel back 3 RF LF RF and close,
slow fwd walk LF RF LF RF, chassez diag L, diag R, diag L, diag R,
walk fwd 2 LF RF , turn lady out 2, step in 2,
waltz x4 lady turning back into promenade hold at end
- Swing Waltz
- open side by side, start outside feet:
fwd 3-step and lift, back 3-step and close, slow solo turn 6 steps,
side close along LOD x2, side close against LOD, step close separating
to end side by side, change places lady turning under mans Rarm in 3
and step close, change places back lady under mans Rarm and step close,
step diag fwd inside feet side together to face, step along LOD and lift
inside, step agaianst LOD and lift inside, step outside inside together
to end back to back, rock fwd, rock back, step inside outside together to
face, fwd 3-step lady turning under mans Rarm and lift, back 3-step lady
turning under mans Rarm and close, reverse waltz x4 opening out at end
- Tangoette (tango)
- lower promenade hold facing diag LOD (bendz ze knees!!) both start LF:
crab walk fwd 5 LF start, back walk RF start for 2 swivel fwd crab walk 3,
back walk LF start for 2 swivel fwd crab walk 3,
rock fwd LF rock back RF step fwd LF RF & close LF changing to upper hold,
crab walk fwd LF start for 4 and point LF, crab walk fwd LF start for 5 and turn,
walk fwd RF LF ALOD swivelling to face wall, step fwd RF and turn lady cw to face
as close LF, slow rotary chassez x2 lady turning back into promenade hold at end
Lawrie Brown / 3 Oct 2003