Swirling Waters

Winner TSDAV Dance Composers Competition 1993

An Australian contemporary bush dance, composed in Canberra.

Composed by:
Lawrie Brown, February 1991
Five couples in a circle
32-bar Waltz, repeated five times, suggest "Russell's Waltz" (see below)
(Repeat 5-times)
Bar			Instructions				      No. bars
A1 balance forward & back holding RH with, and honouring, partner	2
   ladies RH-star once around holding the wrist of the lady in front	6
A2 men north-country courtesy turn lady ending in ballroom hold		2
   waltz 1/2 way round circle						6
B1 men LH-star once around holding the wrist of the man in front		
   RH-turn partner 1/2 way round					2
   end ladies facing out, men facing in, holding RH partner, LH corner
B2 balance right and left acknowledging partner and corner		2
   RH-turn partner 1/2 way round, end ladies facing in, men facing out	2
   balance right and left acknowledging new partner and corner		2
   LH-turn corner 1/2 way round to meet new partner to recommence	2


Russell's Waltz

The following tune, which I know as "Russell's Waltz" is the one I've come to prefer to use with this dance. It came to me from Peter Foster, named after a player whose favorite it was. I have since been told that it is similar to "Peeler Creek". I would welcome further information on its background, author or history.

This is also available in abc music notation, as a svg image, and (slightly different) in the original handwritten score scan.

"Swirling Waters" is © Copyright 1991 by Lawrie Brown.