I'm pleased with how work has finished up here, the final design of my new encryption algorithm LOKI97 looks to be settled, I've got the preliminary testing done, and it all looks good.
Last week I drove up to Canberra on Tues 9 Dec, in order to attend the ADFA Graduation Parade on Wed. I was dressed in the full academic regalia and took part in the processional. One of my students, Bernard, was awarded his PhD at the ceremony, and that was very satisfying. I also knew a number of other graduating that day. On Thurs I stayed for a seminar given by a colleague from Darwin, before driving back down to Kiama.
Socially I've kept moderately busy over the last month. Most Tuesday's I've driven down to Nowra with some friends to go ballroom dancing, and on Wednesdays's I've headed off to the Wongawilli colonial dance.
Highlights over the last month have included the Kiama Seaside Festival on 28-30 Nov. On the Fri evening I enjoyed listening to the session in the local pub. Then on Sat afternoon there was a concert and market in the park, and later I joined the massed colonial dance display, which was fun. In the evening we had the "George Bass Bicentennial Ball" which was a colourful and enjoyable evening. On the Sunday there was a session at Yvonne's house, where I'm boarding, and later I dropped in on the food and wine festival in town. In all a good weekend, and nice to catch up with friends I hadn't seen for a while.
The other big news is that I've finally replaced my car. I'm now the proud owner of a white 95 model automatic Subaru Liberty (Legacy for those O/S) GX 4WD wagon! Its sheer luxury compared to its predecessor, and I'm very much enjoying driving it. Needless to say my bank account has a correspondingly large hole in it! Ah well. On Sat 13 Dec (the day after I bought it), I drove it down to the Jervis Bay National Park. I did a number of short walks there to Governors Head, Hole in the Wall, and Steamers Bay, as well as spending some time lazing on Murrays and Steamers beaches. Very pleasant. Then that evening I drove back down to Nowra for a ballroom dance - just to finish off an active day!
Tomorrow evening I'm off to the Wongawilli Christmas party. Then Sun I finish packing and drive back to Canberra, and on Tuesday, on to Melbourne for Christmas.
Its been a great year though! I hope these notes can convey some of the fun I've had. Cheers to you all and have a Merry Christmas.