Get MapRun Results for Eventor Import

Specify MapRun Course and other info as needed and then select Get Results

Full MapRun Course Name (including all event codes):

Score scaling value:

Save to File?

Ignore Warnings?

Optional Entrants Data File (tab separated txt):

This script retrieves results for the specified MapRun course, and reformats the data to match what is needed to use Eventor text results entry (using ResultImportTemplate.xls). This data can be copied and pasted into that template for further editing before being copied into the Eventor event's "Data exchange" to "Upload result list" using "Text from Excel template" textbox. A number of additional columns beyond those Eventor needs are included, to assist with manual result checking and correcting. These should be ignored when copying the results into the Eventor textbox.

The Score scaling value is multiplied with the reported score to generate Eventor score when differently scaled values are used. eg. Scale=0.05 will adjust ScoreV 20 points/control to the 1 point/control as used in Canberra score events.

If the entrants file is specified, its data is used to further populate results fields needed for the results upload with data from the "Entry Overview" then "Export to Excel" option, "Entrants" sheet. This file should be a tab separated text file, with data from columns A B C D E S T U, ie values for: "Person ID, First name, Last name, YOB, Gender, Club ID, Club, Class, MapRun Alias". The last "MapRun Alias" column is an extra to allow for alternate names being used by a person in their MapRun app.

If "Save to File?" is checked, the generated result data is saved to a text file. Otherwise the content is displayed in the browser. If "Ignore Warnings?" is checked, then as it says any warnings are ignored and (likely partial) results are returned.

There are some notes on how we use this script to process and upload results for events in Canberra.

Copyright © Lawrie Brown 2022 with Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 licence. Using v1 JSON results API.
Please send any comments, suggestions for improvements, or other feedback to:
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