Lawrie's Hotlist
somewhat eclectic hotlist of interesting places to go:
SF Lit|
SF Media|
Web Indexes|
Web Tools|
Crypto and Security|
Languages and Code Security|
Legal Issues|
Other Unis and Conference|
Misc Computing & Technology|
Dance and Folk|
Amateur Radio|
Issues of Faith|
Humour and General Interest|
Everything Else!!!|
- ACT Government & Canberra Info, (
Celebrate Canberra Festival,
Summer in the Capital )
- ActewAGL,
- ANU (Online),
ANU Library (ELISA),
ANU Computer Science,
Mt Stromlo,
Sunsite at ANU
- ACTION Buses
- Artsound 92.7 FM Canberra,
Ambient Music
- TIP (AUUG (Canberra)-PCUG) Web home,
and AUUG (National) Web home
- Australian Governments,
Australian Commonwealth Government,
Australian Electoral Commission,
Dept Communications and the Arts,
Defence Signals Directorate,
Spectrum Management Authority
- Canberra Amateur Radion Club
- Canberra Movie info
- Canberra Citysearch
- CSFS Blog
- Earthly Delights
(Eddie's photos)
- Family Bushwalkers
- Folkus Room
- Mawson Club
- Mix 106.3 FM
- Monaro Folk Society,
- National Folk Festival
- National Library of Australia
- RSCDS (Scottish Dance) Canberra
- Southern Cross Club
- AARNet Mirror
- ABC,
ABC News,
ABC Newsradio,
ABC Science Lab
- AUSCERT web area.
- The Australian
The Age,
The Canberra Times, and
The Sydney Morning Herald newspapers.
- Guardian Australia
- Australia's Cultural Network
- Australian Air Travel info
- Australian Web servers
- Australian WWW.AU web index
maintained by sofcom.
- AusWeb95 conference
- Bond University WWW Home Page
- CLiCK Magazine
- Electronic Frontiers Australia
- EMU.ID.AU and
ID.AU web areas
- eShares,
- GSM info
- Guide to Australia
- Internet Australasia
magazine on-line.
- Internet traffic
- ISPs in Australia
- Matilda in Cyberspace
- Norman Lindsay Gallery,
Norman Lindsay site
- NSW Holidays
- Perisher Blue ski resort.
- SBS,
SBS World News.
- Start,
- St George,
- Telstra White Pages,
Telstra Yellow Pages, and
Telstra Bigpond Internet,
Telstra billing.
- AUNIC AUS DNS services,
Asia Pacific NIC
- Australian TV Guide
- Who Took the Music?,
The Music!
- from Aust. MacWorld
- Webcams in Australia
SF Lit
SF Media
- Australian SF
- Babylon 5 Lurker's Guide (original)
(Australian shadow,
Swedish shadow),
Official Babylon 5 Web site,
TNT B-5 site,
Encyclopedia Xenobiologica,
B5 Encyclopedia,
Babylon-5 Vehicles,
B5 spoiler synopses for new episodes,
Bruce Boxleitner,
B5 Calendars,
Mira Furlan,
Andreas Katsulas,
Babylon Project RP game,
(RPG Orders),
Shadow Information Office,
SonicImages B5 soundtrack page,
Zocolo newsletter
- Babylon 5 OZ Fan Club info,
Aust. B5 directory,
- Doctor Who BBC new &
wikipedia list,
Doctor Who info,
Doctor Who Update
- Dawn's Earth-2 page,
Earth-2 Episode Guide,
- Fellowship of Middle Earth FOME at Monash Uni.
- Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
- Ibn Qirtiaba SF mag
- Model Alien Explorers
- OMNI magazine
- Ringworld rendering
- Sci-Fi Channel and
Science Fiction Weekly
- SF-lovers resource guide
- SF Times Aust. SF magazine.
- ANU SF page
web home.
- Startrek TNG,
Star Trek,
Startrek Voyager
official Paramount site,
Startrek stuff,
Vidiots Startrek TNG,
Startrek DS9 and
Startrek Voyager archives
- Torchwood - BBC Home (
wikipedia list,
tw institute)
- Vidiot's SF media info
- With Eyes That Know The Darkness
- X-Files (official),
Science Behind the X-Files,
X-Files (Geos),
X-Files (rutgers)
- Astrobiology Web,
Astronomy Now
- The British Interplanetary Society (BIS)
- Chesley Bonestell Gallery
- Comet lists,
Closest Comets,
Interstellar Propulsion Society
Minor Planets lists,
Closest Minor Planets
- Earth & Moon Viewer
- Galaxy Zoo
- Interstellar Travel
- JPL,
Martian Chronicle,
Basics of Spaceflight,
- Mars Pathfinder,
Mars Exploration,
Mars Direct Home
- Mercury
- MIR News
Astrobiology at NASA,
- check out the Planetary Society
- Earth and Moon Viewer
- Project HALO Space Launch
- Satellite Predictions
- SEDS Space Education Info WWW Site, and the Spaceviews magazine
- SETI Institute,
SETI Australia,
- Space Studies Institute
- Space Telescope Pics
- Stardrive info site
- Astronomy Now magazine
- Sky & Space magazine
- Terraforming
- Toutatis Animation
- Earth
- Woomera on the Web
- Visions Of Space
Web Indexes
Web Tools
Crypto and Security
- Lawrie's
Cryptography Bibliography
- Cryptography and PGP Page at ANU RSCHP,
PGP Intl,
PGP International Home Page,
PGP Keyservers,
ATT PGP PathServer,
PGP Web of Trust stats,
Global Trust Register
- SSH Secure Shell home,
SSLeay and SSLapps FAQ,
- WWW Virtual Library:
Cryptography, PGP and Your Privacy
- Intl. Assoc. of Cryptologic
Research (IACR) archives
- Yahoo Indexes for Cryptography, and
Applied Cryptography
Activity Summaries,
Current Activity,
- Cryptanalysis info
- Computer Incident Advisory Capability (LLNL)
- Gene Spafford's Computer Operations, Ausit, and Security Technology
COAST site
- NIST Computer Security Resources, and the
Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Development Effort,
AES lounge,
AES analyses,
J Savards page,
- Block Cipher Lounge
- Bugtraq mailing list archives
- FaCTNet International Digest: archiving Free Speech. Free Thought, and Privacy Rights Issues
- IPSEC news
- Bruce Schneier's info/newsletter
- CCSR, ITACS, Uni of Wollongong
- Cipher,
electronic newsletter of the IEEE Computer Society TC on Security & Privacy
Crypto Export Control Archives
- Cyberlinks Computer Security page
Tezcat Security Index
- RSA Data Security Inc. home page
- Crypto and Security Courses
- Prof. Dr. Klaus Pommerening list of the items from Schneier's
Applied Cryptography disks
- Cryptix
- Larry Spitz's Hacker Papers, & NMAP,
Hackers Choice
- Dan Farmer's Internet Security Survey
- Watcher a network sniffer and spoofer tool
- Michael Peirce's page on Network Payment Mechanisms
- Digicash
- Mondex digital wallet
- Risks Digest
- Roger Clarke's home page with info on electronic commerce and privacy
- RSA Challenges,
Cyberian RC5, Search,
SolNet DES Chal
- Shake Comms security consultancy & info
- EFF h/w DES Cracker,
O'Reilly Cracking DES book
- NSA Cryptological Museum,
Bletchley Park home
Languages and Code Security
- Erlang Systems,
Open Src Erlang
Ericsson CS Labs,
Dan Sahlin,
Ericsson Australia.
- Java (Sun) home, the
Java Developers Connection,
New to Java Center
Java Security FAQ at Sun,
JavaSoft Security page, and the
RST Java Security FAQ
- Java Applets With Safety
- Mobile Code info,
Distributed Hypermedia Issues
from W3C
- Objective Caml, a variant of ML
- O'Reilly's CD bookshelf
- Perl Archive,
Perl Ref Guide
- PHP,
PHP Intro (CNET)
- Quick Reference Cards
- Scheme48
- Secure Internet Programming team at Princeton
- Tcl/Tk resources,
Tcl/Tk Man Pages
- Lojban constructed language info
Legal Issues
Other Unis and Conference
Misc Computing & Technology
- ADA web resources
- IEEE standards
- Jagubox AUX website
- Ericsson ,
Ericsson Australia,
Ericsson mobiles (Aus)
- Linux info from Freshmeat,
- News from Slashdot,
Ars Technica,
Cringely or
- Digital Pocket Computing research, their
Itsy Linux palmtop prototype, and the
Factoid project
- Mobile World phone info
- Telstra,
Mobilenet Telstra,
Telstra U Prepaid
- Optus
- PLEB project at UNSW
- Qualcomm (Australia)
- Risks Digest
- Wearable computers, and
Steve's Netcam wearable camera project
Dance and Folk
- Artsound 92.7 FM Canberra
- Audacity Dance (WCS Canberra)
- Australian Bush Music Wongawilli Style
- Australia Dancing
- Australia's Cultural Network
- Ballroom Dancing Australia
- Ballroom Rhythms Magazine
- Ceroc & Modern Jive,
Ceroc Australia,
Ceroc Canberra,
Ceroc NZ,
Ceroc UK,
Gaby's Dance Studio,
GALA Events,
Ceroc Melb,
Le Bop (Melb),
Move Your Body, Gold Coast
- Bush Dance Instructions by Alastair Wilson
- Bush Music Club
- Canberra Dance Photos
- Cobargo Folk Festival
- Country Dance and Song Society
- The Dancing Master (1651-1728)
- Digital Tradition Folk Song Full Text Search
- Don Herbison-Evans Dance Publications
- Earthly Delights
(Eddie's photos)
- English Folk Dance and Song Society
- The Fellowship of the Strings (Jackie Luke)
- Folk Australia
- Graham McDonald's Folk Info
- Illawarra Folk Club
- Irish Set Dancing in Canberra,
- Irish Dance instructions (from the Newcastle group)
- Jigzag
- Jumptown Swing
- Majors Creek Folk Festival
- Melbourne Claddagh Irish Set Dancers
- Monaro Folk Society,
- Myriad - Gordon & Hannah
- National Folk Festival
- Penelope Swales
- RSCDS (Scottish Dance) Canberra
- Savoy Dance Swing
- Spoot O' Skerry
- WWW Virtual Library: Dance
- Yahoo - Dance page
- Wongawilli Colonial Dancers
Amateur Radio
Issues of Faith
Humour and General Interest
Everything Else!!!
Lawrie Brown /
Thursday, 2-Mar-2023 22:29 (EAST)