Lawrie's Information Resources


Some of Lawrie's Seminars and Research Papers are available . Information is also available on Lawrie's current researches on the new LOKI97 block cipher, or the Safe Erlang mobile code system; which were started during his 1997 sabbatical.

Access is provided to Lawries Cryptography Bibliography, which allows searches on the citations collected in the bibliography on various aspects of cryptography and computer security. Or look at some sources for some eclectic programs Lawrie has written.

For secure communications Lawrie's PGP Public Key, and X.509 Certificate Fingerprints are available.


For something completely different, have a look at his Christmas letters and other diary items with details of major events, or Lawrie's Photo Album (nb. lots of graphic images). See his SSP97 diary describing life in Norway during his visit there in 1997.

Or see his Dance Notes which include his award winning dances "Lyz's Clockwork Jig" and "Swirling Waters".

There is also information on the Monaro Colonial Dancers display team which he dances with.

Last but not least there's Lawrie's eclectic Hotlist of Interesting Places to Go.
[Professional] [Personal] [Resources] [Contact] [Hotlist]
Lawrie Brown / 5 Feb 99